guys are known to keep multiple partners either because their real bae
as they call it is not around or because of promiscuity.
Either ways, there would have been some handwriting which the lady who they often refer to as side chick often fail to spot. Naijaloaded has put together signs that suggest that you may not be the main person in your his life.
1. most of his discussion with you is about s*x or romance.
When he invites you
to his house and the first 10minutes he is reaching out for your
goodies; you are not even done with the fanta and gala he offered you.
If you have never
met a guy’s parents and siblings or haven’t been to any events that
include his friends, this is an indicator that you’re his Side chick buh
not the “Main Chick”.
3. He Hates Surprises
Your man doesn’t
want you to come unannounced, without notifications. So if he constantly
says he hates surprise visits, it’s time to get concerned.
4. Protective Of His Phone
He has a password
on his phone and makes sure to lock it after every time he uses it.When
the phone rings, it either goes into another room to take the call,
ignores it completely, or turns the volume down super low so that you
can’t possibly hear a thing that is being said.
5. Refuses To Show Affection In Public
If you grab his
hand and he pulls his hand away, or you never get a kiss or hug, or you
never get too close when you’re out together, this could be a sign that
you’re 100% side chick.
6. Avoids Having Selfie With You
If you notice that
your guy is dodging selfies like “Bullets” whenever you tilt your phone
to take a picture..He’s afraid his Main chick might see the pic.
7. Strange Calls
He dials or receive
calls from a strange number. He always has to pick it, he never tells
you who it was.But you know that it is not his mom or sibling. Sometimes
the number might not be stored in his phone contact.That’s a sign to
check it all up, because it can be the second(Main Chick).
8. He’s Not Calling You His Girlfriend
When it’s time to
introduce you to his friends, colleagues or even relatives, he just
introduces you with your name.And he never calls you his girlfriend or
sweet words like “Dear, Honey, Bae. Etc among his circle.
9. Never Talks About The Future
Asking him about
his views on the future of your relationship is like “Pulling Teeth”.In
his mind he’s probably well aware that keeping you as the other woman
won’t last long, so why plan on a future at all?